strong is important, we make New Years' resolutions on 1 January -
determined to make this a better year, to better our lives and the
lives of our families and friends.
any seasoned athlete will tell you that starting out with good
intentions is not good enough. Starting out is "easy"
compared to the endurance needed during the difficult times.
journey has a beginning, a middle and an end. If you decide to run a
100 mile marathon you will need to train continuously. Changing your
diet and making a considerable amount of sacrifices. Starting out
right, then spending 4 years on the cough will not help you to win
the race.
are talking about apathy, growing tired, giving up too soon.
of us seem to suffer from a short attention span, or A.D.D. we seem
so distractable. So easy for us to change course...
Lost the plot
many people have started down a path, then years later found that
they have changed. They started out with the best of intentions, with
integrity and then somewhere along the way they lost it.
sing a song called, “It's all who you know” and another called,
“Lost the plot.” One of the mishaps is of an expedition team that
lost direction. “For the one of direction the huskies went off
course - took some time to free ‘em, now their on display inside a
British museum.” Sometimes even a small deviation, can make a big
difference. Consider a luxury cruise liner; if it deviates only 10
degrees off course it will be about 80 km off course after a 500 km
“Lost the plot” they sing of an apathetic person, someone who is
now too tired to get something from the fridge. They make a lot of
comparisons of people who started well, and now:
selfish and self centred to care about others
follow God any more
their first love
hear God's voice any more
what God did for them
am I saying? We need to stay strong! It’s May and half the year is
almost behind us. For some of us, half our lives are behind us. Have
we started out strong? More importantly, have we stayed strong?
marriage starts with a wedding, a celebration of two people who have
sworn to stay together forever. Yet how many marriages don't last?
You can't get married today and in 20 years time everything is fine –
in spite of the fact that you have never again said “I love you”
to your wife or done anything special for her. It simply does not
work that way. Relationships are either built and made stronger OR
they deteriorate!
respect I would like to refer to a few people from the Bible. I say
with respect, because none of us are perfect either - and it is
easier for us to look back at them, then for us to have lived through
what they did and have done a better job.
built the temple, yet he introduced idolatry for his many wives
years later.
was strong and made quite an impression, yet he died blind with tons
of rubble falling on him.
started out as a disciple of Jesus, yet he died having betrayed Him.
has a lot to say on the subject:
is a man who travelled a lot, during a time when long journey's where
not easy. He was ship wrecked, stoned to death and imprisoned. Do you
think he got tired or maybe even discouraged?
Corinthians 10:12 “Even if you think you can stand up to
temptation, be careful not to fall.” CEV
is a warning to those of us who feel we are better than others. We
look down on them because of what they have done, thinking “we are
better than that; we would never do that.”
Corinthians 15:58 “My dear friends, stand firm and don't be shaken.
Always keep busy working for the Lord. You know that everything you
do for him is worthwhile.” CEV
Corinthians 1:21 “And so God makes it possible for you and us to
firmly together with Christ. God is also the one who chose us” CEV
3:17 “and that Christ will live in your hearts because of your
faith. Stand
firm and be deeply rooted
in his love.” CEV
key is to be rooted in Christ's love. What happens to a tree that is
not rooted? It will die. (Cross reference with Psalm 1)
12:12 “Now stand up straight! Stop your knees from shaking” CEV
times we are tempted to shrink back in fear, but Paul wants to
encourage us here – don't loose hope!
Closing words:
strong takes effort and hard work. Without exercise muscles fade. To
stay strong we need to continually make time for prayer, Bible study
and contemplation. God wants to speak to us, wants to work through
us, but sometimes our attention is on other things and we are too
distracted to hear His voice...