Sunday, 30 December 2018

Cover to Cover 24

The what is it?

It’s that time of year when many people make New Years’ resolutions. One of them possibly being to read through the Bible in a year. Lots of people get discouraged or distracted part of the way through and don’t finish. This makes you feel like a failure.

This reading plan is not mine, I saw it on the Gospel Coalition website. I was looking for 2 year Bible reading plans. At the bottom of the article is a link to download the plan. I got here while browsing a Facebook group, reading about Bible Study plans and what people plan on doing next year. Some have the time to read through the Bible in 6 months, which I can’t commit to right now. The important thing is not how many chapters you read every day. What matters is do you read it and absorb what you have read? Bible Study must not become a “speed reading” session. “I have to read ten chapters today or I won’t finish on time.” Read it, make notes and take the time to let it sink in. However, if you can read and study ten chapters a day then go for it. For most people it’s not a realistic starting point.

Saturday, 1 December 2018

Website issue

After having issues with Wordpress, I am back to the old backup that I used before.

Will be adding posts here as I get the chance.