Sunday, 30 December 2018

Cover to Cover 24

The what is it?

It’s that time of year when many people make New Years’ resolutions. One of them possibly being to read through the Bible in a year. Lots of people get discouraged or distracted part of the way through and don’t finish. This makes you feel like a failure.

This reading plan is not mine, I saw it on the Gospel Coalition website. I was looking for 2 year Bible reading plans. At the bottom of the article is a link to download the plan. I got here while browsing a Facebook group, reading about Bible Study plans and what people plan on doing next year. Some have the time to read through the Bible in 6 months, which I can’t commit to right now. The important thing is not how many chapters you read every day. What matters is do you read it and absorb what you have read? Bible Study must not become a “speed reading” session. “I have to read ten chapters today or I won’t finish on time.” Read it, make notes and take the time to let it sink in. However, if you can read and study ten chapters a day then go for it. For most people it’s not a realistic starting point.

The why?

Having people join you on this journey, people who will encourage you and hold you accountable can be a powerful motivator. It’s like having a gym buddy. Someone who will make sure that you go to the gym with them and not just drive past it.

We all lead busy lives and having a reading plan that is manageable is priceless. Sadly, to many the Bible is a dusty book they have somewhere in their house that they don’t read. God’s Word is precious and it will transform your life if you spend enough time to allow it to impact you.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God[b] may be complete, equipped for every good work.” ESV

Psalm 119:105 “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” ESV

The how?

With so many different options for Bible Study, I do not want to limit you. This won’t be a group that meets daily, but I do want us to check in on one another regularly, like once a week. This can be through email or instant messaging.

You can do a deep dive using Bible commentaries, Bible dictionaries and Study Bibles. Decide to try something new here. It’s a new year, time to think outside the box a little.

You can use any Bible translation (within reason). Everyone prefers one translation over another, let us respect the other person and their choice.

3.1 A Bible

A Bible in book format. Not much needs to be said here, check your local book shop to see what is available.

3.2 An Audio Bible

 YouVersion has an Audio feature built into their app. There are also various audio Bibles online.

These websites let you listen to the Bible online:

If you would like an audio Bible, but you don’t have enough data to download one, then send me an email and I can see if I can assist you (South Africa only, International postage is not an option right now).

3.3 The Bible app on your phone

I have an Android phone, if you have an iPhone and am willing to make a few recommendations, please email me.

3.4 The Bible app on your computer

E Sword is one of the best Bible apps out there. With a Windows and Mac version they have you covered with an assortment of translations and Bible Study tools.

3.5 Bible Study websites

Got a suggestion for a site that should be listed here? Send me an email.

4. Bible Study Methods

Here I am going to highlight two different methods, which might or might not work for you. They are guides that show you an example of what can be done.

Feel free to use or customize them or even to use a different method if you find one. They are listed here as a starting point.

4.1 SOAP Method

I saw a video on YouTube where a lady explained the system. I don’t know who invented it, but I have tried it and I like it.

Scripture – Read the verses
Observation – What do I see here? What is noteworthy?
Application – How can I apply this to my life?
Prayer – Talk to God about what you have read

4.2 The Seven Arrows method

This method was developed by Donny Mathis and Matt Rogers. About halfway down the page they have links where you can download a bookmark listing all seven arrows.

  1. What does this passage say?
  2. What did this passage mean to its original audience?
  3. What does this passage tell us about God?
  4. What does this passage tell us about man?
  5. What does this passage demand of me?
  6. How does this passage change the way I relate to people?
  7. What does this passage prompt me to pray to God?

What will the first week look like?

  1. Genesis 1-2:3, Psalm 1
  2. Genesis 2:4-4:26, Psalm 2
  3. Genesis 5:1-6:8, Psalm 3
  4. Genesis 6:9-9:29, Psalm 4
  5. Genesis 10:1-11:9, Psalm 5
  6. Genesis 11:10-26, Psalm 6
  7. Genesis 11:27-12:20, Psalm 7


So I hope that you haven;t found this article long winded or boring. Remember to send me an email if you would like to be part of a group doing this study together. Invite your friends and family or church members to join you in this Bible Study.

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