Friday, 9 October 2015

In the name of Jesus - Pat van Wyk


  • A Word from the Author
  • Chapter One – Believe in His Name
  • Chapter Two - Authority in His Name
  • Chapter Three – Life through Jesus
  • Chapter Four – Jesus is Our Inheritance
  • Chapter Five - Trust
  • Chapter Six – Jesus the Supreme Power
  • Chapter Seven – No other Name
  • Chapter Eight – Reigning in the Power of the Name

A Word from the Author:

In the name of Jesus study guide will give you new boldness and confidence and as you experiment in the name, you will be using the authority already given to by Jesus.

I pray you will learn to use the name of Jesus with authority and that the Holy Spirit will open your eyes to new revelation knowledge.

A special thanks to my sons Tienie and Johnathan.

Chapter One Believe in His Name

Read: Preparation John 14:13 – 14, 1 John 3:23
Memory verse: 1 John 3:23

We are trying to get the group to understand the power of the name to enable us to use the name you need to know who you are talking to.

Start by calling some body’s name that is not in the room. The people react by looking around and telling you there is nobody by that name. Now call somebody that is in the room, allow them to respond.  Jesus can only respond if you call Him or use His name.

Read 1 John 3:23
Jesus is God’s son, that we believe in Him AND love one another.

Let's read John 14:13-14 together “whatever you ask in my name, that I will (present tense and a promise) do.”

Sometimes we don’t understand why we don’t get the things we ask for.  Sometimes they take long, sometimes we get them quickly.

Ask the Questions and allow for answers.
Let me ask you a question? If we pray and we don’t end with in Jesus name have we even prayed at all? Yes, except there is no power in that prayer.

Jesus needs to know you are talking to Him. Jesus was the Son of God by his death he became our Savior. So even the devil was conquered by the cross.

So when we pray to Jesus do we need to start or end with His name? Yes. In Jesus name I pray ... or thank you for this day in Jesus name.  Now you are using your authority you have by the power of the name of Jesus.

Let's read 1 John 3.23 again, together (allow some body to read) and this is His commandment that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ.

What can we pray for in His name?
  • In His name we can pray for:
  • change in circumstances
  • forgiveness of sin
  • salvation to the lost
  • the word to be fulfilled (to come true)
We then need to know and believe in Jesus, who then enables us to have boldness and power in the name.

Chapter Two Authority in His Name

  • Matthew 28:18-19
  • Mark 16: 17-18
  • 1 John 1:1-14
  • Philippians 2:9-11

Memory verse:
Matthew 28:18

Jesus Christ is the highest authority in the universe under God the Father.  Jesus keeps everything together and makes everything work by the word of His authority.  Everything in the universe is subject to Jesus – His authority covers three worlds:
  • Heaven
  • Earth and
  • Hell
He has given every believer the right to use this authority by the use of His name.  If the president of USA gave anybody the right to use his name, then the United States, the whole nation is behind him and backs him up.

The name of Jesus Christ gives us the backing of all heaven and earth all in heaven will move on your behalf.

In the first chapter we said He is our Saviour, in this chapter we are saying you need to believe He is your Saviour to receive His authority.

Read together: John 1: 1-14 in the beginning…..

Ask Questions and allow for answers

Did everybody believe in Jesus?
John 1:12

What is John speaking about in chapter 1:1-14
The light -  The Word - Jesus Christ.

What does John say is the Word in verse 4?
Source of life.

To end off read Philippians 2:9-11 together (involve the group)

Allow time for discussion.

Chapter Three Life through Jesus

  • John 14:6
  • Matthew 1:21-23
  • Luke 1:34-35
Memory verse: Matthew 1:21

Jesus is the way to the Father and eternal life:
He is your Savior:  Secondly we said you must believe now you need to receive Him because without Him there is no life.

The name of Jesus Christ brings wholeness and salvation into the entire spectrum of our existence – spiritually, psychologically and physically. In John 10:10b Jesus came so that you and I can have fullness of life.

Read the next scriptures together (involve the group)
  • John 14:6
  • Matthew 1: 21-23
  • Luke 1:34-35
Read John 14:6 together first. Ask questions and allow time for answers.
What does Jesus refer to himself as in John 14:6?
The way, the truth, the life. What does this mean? Discuss.

Read Matt 1:21-23 together, question:
What was Jesus going to save His people from in Matthew 1:21?

Read Luke 1:34-35 together, question:
Discuss Mary’s reaction.

What was the child to be called in verse 35?
The Son of God, Emanuel.

Chapter Four Jesus is our Inheritance

  • Hebrews 1:1-6
  • Colossians 1:13
  • Colossians 2:10
  • Colossians 3:3
  • Matthew 16: 15-16

Memory verse: Colossians 3:3

A person's name represents his reputation, achievements and standing in life. When we mention a name it immediately brings to mind who that person is: The name only has power as long as we know the person to whom it belongs. If we know nothing about that person then their name is meaningless. If we know nothing about Jesus Christ then His name will be empty to us.  When we are intimately involved with Jesus then we have confidence in His name and it means everything to us.

The enemy is powerless when confronted by the Name of Jesus. Unsigned cheques are not honoured.  Sign every request or petition with the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Prayer is the act of making withdrawals from heaven’s resources.  Every request is like a cheque.  So use your authority and end your prayer in “Jesus Name”

Read together the following scriptures:

  • Hebrews 1: 1-6
  • Colossians 1:13
  • Colossians 2:10
  • Colossians 3:3
  • Matthew 16:15-16
Ask Questions and allow for answers

Read Hebrews 1:1-6 Questions:

Who did God use to create the Universe, in verse 2?
His Son Jesus.

What does Jesus reflect in verse 3?
The brightness of God's glory.
And the exact likeness of God

In verse 3 Jesus achieved something, then He sat down at the right hand of God. What did He achieve?
Forgiveness for human sins.

Matthew 16:15-16
Who did they call Jesus? verse 16.
Messiah, the Son of the living God.

Colossians 1:13
What did Jesus do for us in this verse?
He rescued us.

Colossians 2:10
What does this verse describe you as?
You are complete in Him.

Colossians 3:3
Where are you in Christ?
You are hidden in Christ Jesus.

Hidden means to be totally surrounded and completely safe.

Jesus, the name above all names, carries all the authority, all the power and strength you need call out to Him in your need. Then you become born again, you can fill your name and date in the cheque of life because it is your inheritance (notify parents).

Chapter Five Trust

  • Isaiah 42:1-4 
  • Psalms 37:3-5
Memory verse: Psalm 37:4

God the Father speaks to the prophet Isaiah announcing Jesus, in the old testament. Now in the book of Matthew we see Jesus bring meaning to the prophecies. Just listen to how God said it. He refers to Jesus as a servant, meaning Jesus was about the Fathers business, and that God loves Him.
God wants us to trust in Jesus. First He tells Isaiah to proclaim the word, then when the time was right Jesus comes to for fill the word, and Jesus is empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Read Isaiah 42:1-4 together, Psalm 37:3-5,

Questions: Isaiah 42:1

In which way does the Father describe the Son?
My servant, I have chosen, the one I love, whom I am pleased, I will send my Spirit upon Him.

Discuss the nature of the son in verses 2-4.

Psalm 37:3-5
There are 3 key words in the beginning of the verses?
Trust, Seek and Give.
Trust in the Lord, Seek your happiness, Give yourself to the Lord, trust Him, and He will help you.

How would you describe the word trust? What does it mean to you?

Chapter Six Jesus the Supreme Power

  • Hebrews 1:2-3
  • 2 Corinthians 5:17
Memory verse: 2 Corinthians 5:17

Through Jesus came forgiveness of sin, He is the supreme power, sustaining the universe. We have looked at Hebrews, but the aim is to simply look at the greatness of Jesus and His power. Jesus paid the price for you and in Him you are made new.

Let’s read together:
  • Hebrews 1:2-3
  • 2 Corinthians 5:17

Hebrews 1:2-3, question:

Through whom did God use to create the universe?
His Son – Jesus.

What did Jesus create? Are you included?
The universe - Yes

What is Jesus going to posses at the end?
All things.

Are we included in all things? Discuss.
Where is Jesus found in verse 3.

Let’s read 2 Corinthians 5:17, question:
What does anyone who is joined mean?
Someone who believes and has excepted Jesus.

What do you think? a new being means, the old is gone and the new has come - discuss.

Chapter Seven No other Name

  • John 16:26-27
  • John 16:23-24,
    Matthew 3: 17
  • Acts 4:12
  • 2 Corinthians 5:17-21
  • Romans 8:16-17
Memory verse: Matthew 3:17

We are establishing that Jesus was the son of God, and that salvation comes only through Jesus. That the Father loves us, since we are His children we posses the blessings through Jesus, and every believer has the power of the name.

Let us start: read together John 16:26-27.
Verse 27: has two keys, what are they?
For the Father himself loves you, Key words because and believed. Because you love me and have believed that I came from God.

Read together Matthew 3:17.
The verse explains itself.
This is my beloved son.

John 16:23-24 together.
Is it the Fathers good will to give you what you ask for?
Yes, you will receive.

How must you ask?
In my name.

Read together Acts 4:12
Can anything else save you, or anybody else?

Lets read together Romans 8:16-17
What are we called in verse 16?
 Children, God’s children

What does verse 17 declare?
We will posses the blessings.

Lets read together, 2 Corinthians 5:17-21


In Christ we have diplomatic immunity, which means that all ambassadors of a country and have the right to use the name of their government. For example if you are an ambassador of South Africa in the Namibia you do not live by the law of the foreign land in which you are, but by the law of the land from which you come, South Africa. When we lived in the Transkei, in the town of Umtata, we were under the South African Embassy, citizens of South Africa.

God has appointed us as His ambassadors. He is confident that we will carry out His will in a foreign land. His confidence is based on the fact that we are new creatures with God’s ability at work in us, through Christ Jesus.

Chapter Eight Reigning in the Name


  • Romans 5:17
  • Mark16:17-18
  • John 1:12
  • John 3:16
  • Matthew 28:19
  • Romans 8:2

Memory verse: Romans 10:9

To be victorious means, to be a winner. We all want to be part of the winning team. Stay centered on and in Christ. For example – if you are walking in the rain and you move the umbrella you are going to get wet. The moral of the story is to stay centered daily in the Word of God, and pray using the authority you have “in the name of Jesus”.

(Delegate the scriptures between the group members.)

Lets read together:
  • Romans 5:17
  • Mark 16:17-18
  • John 1:2
  • John 3:16
  • Matthew 28:18
  • Romans 8:2
Questions for discussion:

Romans 5:17 we are freely put right with God, yet there is a condition. What is it?
All who receive.

Mark 16:17-18
Who is given the power?

John 1:12
What do we become if we receive and believe?
God’s children

John 3:16
What are we promised in this verse?
Eternal life.

Matthew 28:19
What are we to do in this verse?
Go and make disciples.

Romans 8:2
What does this verse tell us?
We have authority.

Name a few things given to the believer?
Perform miracles
Drive out demons
Speak in strange tongues

So to reign in the name of Jesus means:
  • To believe Jesus is the Son of God.
  • To receive Jesus as the Lord of your life.
  • We receive eternal life through believing.
  • Through Jesus we can call God father, we become God’s children.
  • We are to go and tell others, make disciples.
  • You have the authority of his name.
  • And the power to perform miracles.

By Jesus Christ, through Jesus Christ and in Jesus Christ we have been adopted as sons and daughters of God the Father. As such we are heirs of God, to Gods kingdom.

All authority has been given to you and I through Jesus, try it out for yourself and you will stand amazed in how God will use you. You already have it, because the scripture says, has present tense.

Let me end off with a few Scriptures:

Romans 10:9-10

If you have never received, the Lord Jesus Christ, as your savior. Then it will be a privilege for me to lead you in a prayer.

Jesus, I believe that you are the Son of God, and that you paid for my sins on the cross with your blood. Jesus I call on your name to save me. Please forgive my sin. I now receive you as the Lord of my life and believe that you live in me through the Holy Spirit and that I am now a child of God. Thank you Lord that you have saved me. In the precious name of Jesus.

When we mention a name it immediately brings to mind who that person is. The name only has power as long as we know the person to whom it belongs.

Mark 16:17-18 … “who believes in my name”.

John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me”.
  • There is no other name like it. It is the name above all names.
  • It carries all the power and completeness of life.
  • There is no other name that will touch you as this name.
  • There is no other name that will change you as the name of Jesus,
  • King of Kings and Lord of Lords - JESUS
Jesus has given us all the authority we need in His name. Yet do we realize how much authority we  really have or even use it.
Some times we need to ask, some times we need to thank, but some times we need to command, in The Name of Jesus just because we have the authority to do so.

My prayer is that you will discover it for yourself!

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